We need to reclaim our community
(KTVU interview, Spotlight, and Mercury News stories regarding this letter are attached below)
With San Jose Councilman Omar Torres’ resignation, we need to come together as neighbors, friends, and colleagues and rebuild our shattered body politic and unity.
That means one thing, and one thing only:
We need to demand an election. By D3. For D3. Focused only on D3.
It’s a simple request of Council: grant us a districtwide vote to determine CM Torres’ replacement.
And don’t try to sell us a temporary appointment decided by council members who do not even live in D3.
Here’s why a direct election is so important for D3:
- We desperately need strong, D3 leadership that’s 100% exclusively committed to D3 — not a City Hall placeholder. It saddens me to say this but it’s the truth: our district is increasingly the dumping ground for SJ’s and County’s homeless encampments and failed subsidized housing schemes. As a result, we have unnecessary rates of business failure, blight and dumping, environmental degradation in our waterways and air, and an ebbing quality of life. We need someone leading us who reports to us — just to us. And not to colleagues who are happy to continue ditching the region’s problems on our streets, creeks, and doorsteps.
- Basic democratic rights demand it. As Matt Mahan said during the 2022 debate on D8 and D10 replacements: “Open elections are the only way to give full weight and legitimacy to the councilmembers representing these districts. We shouldn’t put a price on democracy. There is not a magic number at which suddenly democratic principles become irrelevant.” San Jose residents support a special election Mayor Matt says it perfectly, and I concur.
- D3’s situation is unique and demands a direct election. The vacancy is the result of widespread rejection of the councilmember by D3 voters, our City Council, and by his endorsers — not a vacancy caused (as during 2022’s appointments) by a popular CM moving on to another elected office. The only way to rectify this widespread repudiation of Torres is to re-establish trust through an election process. Any form of City Hall appointment could very easily become a backroom deal that will take away our district’s independence and sovereignty.
We deserve a voice.
We deserve validation of our rights.
We deserve the vote.
Together, we can rebuild D3.
- Full disclosure: As I have previously stated, with Torres’ resignation, I plan on running again for the D3 seat. I will await word from the Council clarifying the process, and will get back to you all soon regarding timing. And humbly: thank you so much for everyone’s encouragement and support these past few weeks. It has meant the world to me and keeps me going.
KTVU interviews Irene Smith on Special Election (video)
Spotlight on candidates for D3 in special election or appointment
Mercury News on Special Election
At this point, we are all D3. 10/28/24
This is the time.
The time for D3 to come together. To collaborate and put differences behind. And to unify around a new beginning for our community’s politics.
I’m talking, of course, about the sad collapse of local faith for our elected councilmember, Omar Torres. His authority as our representative has been fundamentally compromised by revelations of deeply unethical personal and financial activity.
So it’s our job, as a community, to set things right. This is our district. The councilmember works for us. And it’s our responsibility to restore functional governance for our D3 neighborhoods and businesses.
That’s why I strongly support efforts to Recall Omar, and I urge my D3 neighbors to do the same.
But as we begin this process, let me suggest a few guidelines that will help us be successful — not just recalling Omar, but also getting us on track to be a more unified, fair, and caring district.
- No finger-pointing. I ran against Omar for the D3 council seat and came in second — Omar won convincingly with 64% of the vote. I walked the district and knocked on what has to be every door and let me assure you: people voted for Omar because they believed in him personally and politically. They were completely unaware of the personal shortcomings that have led to his downfall and should not be shamed nor held responsible for Omar’s behavior. At this point, we are no longer Omar vs Irene, we are all D3.
- The process behind this Recall effort should be open and transparent. Council seats are political positions, so guess what? There’s a lot of maneuvering going on. Even so, I feel that now is not the time for politics. So, I hope that during the Recall process, our community leaders are up front with us about their intentions. Full disclosure from me: While I am very interested in running for the D3 seat again, I will make zero decisions nor take on any organized Recall action until the Recall election is approved by D3.
- Unity. When a door is closed, sometimes a window opens. So, too, with D3 and our current situation. I firmly believe that we can reframe our current troubles into an opportunity to be an example for the rest of the city. How we can put aside the tired old Business vs Labor Divisions. Do away with the identity-politics-driven tropes and wild name-calling. And instead, organize as an independent community around fair-minded debate, a search for consensus, and caring for each other as neighbors and friends.
Let’s turn today’s troubles into tomorrow’s opportunities.
I’m sure there will be a lot to talk about and observe as this process plays out: Feel free to email me any questions or concerns that you may have regarding my take on the Recall effort and the status of D3 issues.